Saturday, April 4, 2020

What Does Eat Mean in Chemistry?

What Does Eat Mean in Chemistry?What does ate mean in Chemistry? When we say eat, what are we really talking about?In Chemistry, eat means digesting something. It's not like we were talking about a bowl of fruit and stuff on our plate. We're talking about digesting something in the human body.When we eat something, we normally ingest that specific chemical compound, and in turn release the same chemical into our bloodstream, which then get redistributed throughout our system, and eventually out to our organs. By doing this, we actually digest what we eat.It's like if you have a dish of French fries, your body is eating them and it is going to a metabolic process that you are not aware of yet. So it is being metabolized into energy, to give it to your brain to be able to make you understand it.You probably know a little bit about this term, but what does eat mean in Chemistry? Let's start with the most important and basic part: the number of times it's taken up by our body. One servin g of food will be absorbed into the bloodstream over again, as the chemical compound is being broken down.For example, when we eat broccoli, it only contains about five hundred microscopic beta amyloid proteins, which is known as beta-amyloid in the brain. These will be the first thing that the neurons take up. So this is the case when we eat more than just one serving. The beta-amyloid protein, which is the substance inside of the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease, does not dissolve during digestion and is actually pushed into the cerebrospinal fluid, and the end result of this is that our bodies cannot absorb all of the nutrients our body needs, so this causes us to feel tired, not sleep, and the end result is a person who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease.So, what does eat mean in Chemistry? When we eat, we are absorbed and our food passes into our bloodstream, where it's broken down and expelled as waste. The rate at which these materials will be taken up in our body depends on our body size, and what our body needs.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Conic Section

Conic Section Conic Section is generally formed by the intersection of double cone and plane. It generally relates with ellipse, circle, hyperbola and parabola with different equations. Hyperbola and Parabola have two different equations depending upon its axis. General form of the conic section is represented by the following equation:- (Ax)^2 + (B x y) + (C y) ^2 + (Dx) + (E y) + F = 0 This concept can be more clarified by the examples. Two related examples are shown below for the understanding purpose of conic section. Example 1: An ice-cream cone is cut into a section. The eccentricity of this conic section is 1.5. What will be the conic section? Solution: Eccentricity is the measure of how much the conical section varies from being circular. The value of eccentricity helps to decide what type of curve the conic section is. Eccentricity shows how un-circular the curve is. Higher the eccentricity, lesser the curvature. In the given problem eccentricity is 1.5 therefore it is a hyperbola. Example 2: What is the length of the Latus rectum of an ellipse equal to? Solution: The latus rectum is a line that is parallel to the directrix and passes through the focus. The lengths of different conic sections are different. Like for parabola the length of latus rectum is 4 times the focal length. In the given problem the conic section is ellipse therefore the length of latus rectum is 2b^2/a, where a and b are half of major and minor diameter.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How Do Boxing Classes Online Work

How Do Boxing Classes Online Work Distance Learning Boxing Fitness ChaptersStart Your Training by Checking Your Internet ConnectionThe Distance Boxer’s Warm-UpBasic Boxing Techniques for Boxing ClassesStretching at the End of your Fitness WorkoutResources for Boxing Gym Classes OnlineWith dozens of boxing federations, organizations and clubs, the UK is one of the best places in the world to practice your punches, cardio and footwork. This combat sport has been increasingly attracting some of the nation’s most talented, young athletes. While there are many risks involved with the sport, the great thing about boxing is that anyone can start learning no matter the age.Whether you’re interested in working up to sparring in a gym or you simply want to put those boxing gloves to good use, boxing is one of the best ways to stay in shape while having fun. You can take boxing lessons from a coach in a boxing gym or follow a boxing workout online.From kickboxing to mixed martial arts, the world of boxing can open you up to many more related disciplines. There is a copious amount of advantages to following an online boxing class with professional trainers. Working on your stamina, punches and other boxing techniques can be made easy with the right guidance. However, you may be wondering how an online boxing lesson even works! Here is what to expect and how to prepare for a practicing your fitness boxing inside.Learn more about boxing lessons online! Practicing total body workouts can help your speed and technique AndreyBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KostiaBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LeeBoxing Teacher £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SajBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KaranBoxing Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThomasBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HaileyBoxing Teacher 4.50 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsStart Your Training by Checking Your Internet ConnectionAn online English boxing, French savate boxing or online Muay Thai course is done in much the same way as a gym course. While there are obvious drawbacks, like not having access to a boxing ring or unlimited equipment like heavy bags, jump rope, mitts and jump rope - training at home also has a number of adva ntages.For one thing, the only thing you’ll need to start your amateur boxing career is great Wi-Fi. In order to begin or continue learning boxing online, you must make sure you have good internet connection to help keep your boxing workouts uninterrupted.A quarter of an hour before your session, turn on your computer to allow it to update if necessary: the older your computer is, the longer it will take to get started. Launch your choice of video conferencing software (Skype, Google Hang Out...) and check that it works correctly.You should also make sure to prepare the materials and gear you’ll need during your boxing class: boxing gloves, a heavy bag or any other personal boxing gyms equipment. At the beginning of the course, make verify with your boxing teacher both of you are receiving the right signal: no sound or picture shift, good sound and picture quality, no unwanted mute or freezing frames.The instructor should see you correctly, preferably in a well-lit room and in d aylight. You should also have a clear view of the coach - after all, you’ll want to be able to see to follow along with  the movements. Sound quality is equally as important, you’ll need to hear the instructor’s corrections, encouragement and be able to ask questions when necessary.Before you start to take boxing lessons on the internet, check your equipment with a friend or family member. Test the sound quality of your microphone, the image quality of your webcam and the quality of your internet reception. Without this, it will be difficult to take individual distance boxing lessons.If you are taking a video boxing class, already recorded and without a live teacher, we advise you to let the video load to ensure it won’t get stuck in the middle. Other than that, get ready to experience what some gyms and shadow boxing simply can’t teach you: confidence in your skills!Take a look at some of the best boxing blogs for more advice! Becoming a professional can start by practicing boxing at homeThe Distance Boxer’s Warm-UpWhile boxing is a great aerobic body workout that can help you get in shape, it is, like all combat sports and martial arts, traumatic for the body. Even without all the gear a professional boxer has in their arsenal, like focus mitts and hand wraps, this high intensity sport can be dangerous when not practiced with the guidance of an experienced fighter.This is why it is mandatory to start a workout with a complete warm-up. Whether you’re kick boxing or getting personal training in Muay Thai, warming up can prevent injuries to your joints and muscles. Getting a knockout should be the least of your worries with professional boxing if you can’t even make it through practice without a cramp!A good warm-up lasts at least 15 minutes but can be longer depending on your physical condition, instructor and the duration of your boxing class. Warming up properly can also help you get fit faster.Usua lly, you’ll start with cardio training by simply jumping on the spot in order to increase your heart rate. The trainer can also ask you to use a jump rope. Both movements are an excellent way to gain in explosiveness, speed of movement and endurance.The trainer can offer you deep, muscle-strengthening exercises to improve your accuracy and agility. In boxing, people tend to place the majority of their focus on working the muscles in the upper body when, in reality, the you should be working your entire body.The centre (abs) is important for stability, while the legs allow you to kick quickly or be quicker on your feet. You will therefore practice weight training exercises and work on your flexibility during the warm-up. It is important to stretch the wrists and arms properly so as not to risk injury.During your class, your instructor will show you proper form, technique and tips to improve. Make sure to pay special attention to the corrections and critiques your coach gives you du ring the warm-up as it will lay the foundation for an effective workout.Here are some boxing YouTube channels to get you started! AndreyBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KostiaBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LeeBoxing Teacher £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SajBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KaranBoxing Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThomasBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HaileyBoxing Teacher 4.50 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBasic Boxing Techniques for Boxing ClassesThe second aspect of any strength training and self-defence boxing class is concerned with technique itself and can last from half an hour to more than an hour depending on what you want to work on, the exercises proposed by the boxing trainer and the total length of your class.Before starting to work on that left hook, jab or uppercut, you should first learn the guard position. This is the basic boxer position: one arm forward, the other backward, legs in flexed, ready for action. Position is essential and plays a major role both in protecting the boxer and in the power of the shots you will deliver in an attack.You will then learn to reproduce a number of different punches. Observe your trainer carefully and pay attention to their explanations. The problem with distance boxing lessons, whether it be a circuit training bootcamp or fitness training with heavy bags, is that the instructor cannot physically correct your positions. Make sure you listen extra carefully to their  advice and pay close attention to your position.Your coach can also teach you sequences or combinations to practice through shadow boxing. Boxing is a bit like dance in the sense that you learn specific choreography to “perform” and it is a full body workout. T he objective is simply different. Combinations allow you to sequence shots, gain speed, strike with force and learn to dodge shots from an opponent.Here are some more tips on finding boxing lessons online! Train all your muscles with simple exercisesStretching at the End of your Fitness WorkoutWhile working on that punching bag or delivering jabs to that double end bag can be exhilarating, the most important part of your workout is stretching your muscles properly at the end of your boxing class. We suggest taking 10 to 15 minutes, allowing you to stretch each part of your body and relax.Your joints are put under stress in boxing, so it is important to stretch the muscles around them in order to prevent long term damage. Toning and working your lower body are important to any fitness classes, but in boxing, you’ll have to work equally as hard to stretch this area properly. Stretching also makes it easier to develop muscles, reduce your recovery time and sleep better after an intensive session.Resources for Boxing Gym Classes OnlineWhether you want some advice on boxing equipment to buy or on improving your boxing stance, the internet is your best tool to reach your fitness goals. The re are dozens of websites and YouTube channels dedicated to providing total body, HIIT and kickboxing workouts for those interested in improving their boxing skills.You can also use boxing forums and online communities to make your own virtual boxing team. Whether you're looking for kids boxing lessons or you want to put those golden gloves on yourself, you can search online for lessons and advice. You can also use boxing resources online for keeping yourself up to date with the latest in boxing with websites like Boxing News 24.

The Best Boxing Classes for Women

The Best Boxing Classes for Women The Best Boxing Styles for Women! ChaptersWomen's Boxing Classes: The Advantages of Choosing CombatBoxing Classes for Women: What Styles of Practice?The Advantages of a Boxing Fitness ClassBoxing for Women: What are the Styles of Fit Boxing?In Summary: Combat Boxing Class or Women's Fitness Class?Boxing has always been seen as a predominantly male discipline, thanks to the advent of recognized sportsmen like Mike Tyson and Mohammed Ali.Nevertheless, boxing is seen more and more as a mixed sport with the arrival of boxing classes for women! With recognized champions such as Myriam Lamare (retired), Sarah Ourahmoune (retired young from the ring as well), and  Estelle Mossely or American free fighter Ronda Rousey, the sport is not lacking in female excellence.Whether in combat boxing or fitness boxing, the practitioners of this sport get to build the body of their dreams in just a few months of training, while gaining self-confidence and concentration.Superprof explains how to choose between classic boxing and fitness b oxing!Boxing Classes for Women: What Styles of Practice?Take out your punching bag, boxing gloves and bear paws - here we go for your first female boxing class!A question often comes up when one wants to start boxing: What style of boxing should one practice? While some disciplines prove to be particularly physical, others will be more focused on the boxing ring technique.Know that women can absolutely become true professionals in extreme sports, such as MMA, free fight or full contact. Ronda Rousey is the perfect example, being considered the equivalent of Floyd Mayweather in the United States. Your choice should be intrinsically linked to your expectations of the sport.Here are some of the boxing disciplines to practice:Boxing,Kickboxing (or kick boxing),Thai boxing,The French savate boxing,Chinese boxing,American boxing,Shadow boxing.The ideal is to start with a basic boxing class for women, this discipline is perfect to learn the basics of physical preparation in amateur boxing. A boxing instructor will take the time to explain to you how to avoid rips with a solo training on a punching ball before going to fight in the boxing gym.Learn to get out of a grip, to avoid the blows of the opponent or to detect points of vulnerability: all topics discussed during a women's competitive boxing class!Our advice: take a trial class within a boxing club to test different styles of fight boxing. While some women will prefer elbows and knee kicks in Thai boxing, others will focus on French or English boxing.Did you know you can find kickboxing classes London and other major cities through Superprof?Boxing for Women: What are the Styles of Fit Boxing?So you'd like to start fit boxing, sure, but which style?Fitness Boxing has increased rapidly in popularity amongst men and women.Faced with the excitement of the sport, fitness boxing classes near me are multiplying and are great for those who are not initiated into the world of competitive boxing. There are now some boxin g styles focusing on flexibility, others emphasizing cardio or body coordination. In short, it can sometimes be difficult to make your choice!Regardless of your favorite discipline, you'll quickly notice that all fitness boxing styles are designed to lose the maximum amount of calories in a very short time. To lose weight, traditional English boxing is highly recommended (up to 800 calories per hour), but fitness boxing is not left out with an average of 600 calories burned in one session.According to your expectations as a boxer, be sure to choose your fitness boxing style:Classic Fitness Boxing,Adi Boxing,Aerobics,U Thai boxing,Self Defense Boxing,Body Fighting,Shadow Training,Gym Boxing.If you have a penchant for martial arts, there are types of fitness boxing that combine both boxing and taekwondo technique or thai kickboxing. Disciplines such as classic fitness boxing or gym boxing will focus primarily on the coordination of movements.Fitness boxing can be practiced both solo a nd against an opponent, although the majority of beginners prefer, in their boxing session to fight against punching bags rather than melee. It is for this reason that boxing exercises such as shadow training or air boxing have become more and more popular!So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and take your first fitness boxing lesson to  define your body and strengthen your mind!In Summary: Combat Boxing Class or Women's Fitness Class?Even after all our exploration, are you still having trouble making a choice? Here is a summary to choose the best boxing style!Interested in fitness and combat training? Why not try both!Fight Boxing  is primarily intended for women wishing to enter the world of sport with a very regular practice. Here, the new boxers will be able to participate in official fights and professional boxing tournaments, but may also choose to see boxing as a hobby within their boxing club.Let's not forget that boxing is an Olympic discipline: sportswomen can choose box ing for both competitive and toning purposes. In any case, it will be necessary to adopt a winning mentality if you hope to one day reach an advanced boxing level.Conversely, fitness boxing  is a sport that is practiced in groups and solo. Fighting is not the priority here: fitness boxing coaches focus on fitness and classical muscle building as well as strengthening. This is the ideal sport to sculpt and shape your body in a regular way without facing an opponent.Many athletes begin with fitness boxing, then move to fight boxing over the years: you can always  practice both sports!On Superprof, the average price for one hour of boxing lessons is £25: why not do an introductory session for free to start as an occasional or professional boxer?Check out the prices of boxing classes here.Discover how cheap or expensive it is to train with a coach.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Do Math Mistakes Lead to Math Abilities

Do Math Mistakes Lead to Math Abilities Actually mistakes are the building block of students’ abilities. When you commit mistakes while learning, you gain an opportunity to realize your erring spot. Then you rectify it for understanding a topic better. Math is a subject to which this theory applies to the core. To err is very human while learning Math From your kinder garten, you tend to commit mistakes in counting and other arithmetic areas. As time goes on, you may miss your values in Algebra or geometric measurements. The common tendency in Math learning is to be perfect. Not to commit mistakes and showcase your super natural brain in counting, multiplying, dividing, solving equations and drawing geometric properties. Drawing with precision and accurate measurement. Parents and teachers expect the same from you. Geometry can be interesting if it is introduced with proper examples from the real life and with 3D models. â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) February 26, 2016 Well, it is human to err and what is wrong in doing so? Actually when you err in a Math problem, you seek an opportunity to correct the error, understand the concept better and remember it forever in your life. Mistakes once committed are not repeated after all. Who knows the secret of this positive angle of Math learning?  It is only an Online Math Tutor who knows how to take advantage of your mistakes and show you the path to learn the subject in depth by correcting your errors. When you approach him in the online classrooms, you are not intimidated by your mistakes but seek solutions for them in privacy. You work with a virtual tutor on white board and come to know the root cause for your errors and failings in Math areas. You proceed with instant rectifications and thus have a clear and positive attitude that sets the stone for your growth mindset in learning. Is Math online tutoring the right set up for learning through mistakes? Yes. It is individualized, customized and to the point in solving student struggles by correcting their mistakes on the spot. Once students realize their shortcomings aptly pointed out by an e-tutor with solutions to correct them, they can understand what have hindered them in learning so far and will take care not to repeat the same. Math online tutoring is the cornerstone of success for Math learners who commit numerous mistakes while solving problems and want some guidance to rectify those mistakes and turn them into productive abilities for learning the subject. Read More:  Why To Pick Online Instructor For College Algebra Homework Help Is online tutoring the right destination for exam preparation? Online tutoring centers offer excellent suggestions for successful exam preparation to students and help them ace their exams with test preparation material, worksheets, model papers and time management techniques. Avail help from online tutors for acing exams. So, mistakes are the stepping stones of successful subject abilities which are possible through online tutors.

Closing the Gap Between Expectations and Abilities in Teens with ADHD

Closing the Gap Between Expectations and Abilities in Teens with ADHD Teens with ADHD are just as different from one another as teens without ADHD. Some are outgoing and some are more shy and introverted, some are perfectionistic while others are happy to rush through their work to get it done, some are creative and some are athletic, some are leaders and some are followers. However, there is one thing that all teens with ADHD have in common they all struggle more than their classmates at school and in their social life. Some teens with ADHD may hide the struggle well, and compensate for their difficulties by working twice as hard as their friends or by being the funniest, most entertaining student in the room. But even those who succeed at covering-up their challenges on the surface continue to struggle behind the scenes. Teens with ADHD often feel like they are different from their friends but dont know why. They have a tendency to make impulsive decisions that lead to bad outcomes, or talk too much and tend to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, and they almost always have difficulty navigating the high school social scene both in-person and online. In addition to dealing with ADHD, they are also coping with the typical challenges of adolescence developing their identity, struggling for independence, dating, riding emotional rollercoasters, handling increased academic pressure, facing tough choices about alcohol and drugs, and feeling the pressure to prepare for life after high school. When you think about it this way, it seems like a lot to manage, right? Adolescence is one of the most challenging times in our lives. During childhood, the structure and support provided by parents and teachers, coupled with relatively low social and academic demands, help make ADHD manageable. Once a child becomes a teen, the social and academic demands increase dramatically, and the high level of support and structure present during elementary school falls away. Teenagers who are cognitively and emotionally equipped to handle these changes ultimately develop healthy coping skills and strategies that allow them to become more independent over time. Unfortunately, most, if not all, teens with ADHD do not have the cognitive or emotional resources to manage increased demands and expectations without additional support. The difference between the cognitive and emotional abilities of a teen with ADHD and the expectations placed by parents and teachers at this age creates a virtual gap. On a day-to-day basis, this gap shows up in arguments between teens and parents about lack of motivation and effort, poor social choices, and failure to keep track of important items. Left to their own devices, teens with ADHD use ineffective coping strategies in an attempt to fill the gap between their abilities and the expectations they face. Not surprisingly, these ineffective strategies do nothing to build independence and only serve to widen the gap over time. Fortunately, with the help and support from therapists, teachers, and parents, as well as ongoing treatment of underlying ADHD symptoms, teens with ADHD can develop the skills and coping strategies that they need to succeed. As a parent, how to you start helping your teen close the gap between their current abilities and real-world expectations? Take a few minutes to reflect on the number of times you find yourself thinking or saying, My teen should be doing ___ by now, but instead he or she still need help with this. Make a list of these things that you think he or she should be doing. Chances are they are going to be things like getting homework done each day, getting out of bed or out of the house each morning, staying organized, keeping track of his or her phone or other belongings, planning ahead for projects or events, helping out around the house, joining activities at school, or making new friends. Think about your expectations for each of the items on your list. Are the expectations what you would reasonably expect for an average teenager? If youre not sure, then ask for input from a counselor or teacher at your teens school, or someone who has experience working with a wide range of teenagers. For each item on your list, the space between the realistic expectation and your teens current behavior represent the gaps that your teen needs help closing. Helping your teen close these gaps doesnt mean continuing to do things for him or her, and it also doesnt mean lowering the bar. What is does mean is making sure that your teen: Understands why he or she is struggling Receives treatment for his or her ADHD symptoms and learns the necessary skills and healthy coping strategies for building up areas of weakness Receives academic assistance that will help him or her learn the material that he or she has struggled to grasp and develop the academic skills needed for success. Adolescence is a challenging time for all teens with ADHD, and none of them should have to cope with the challenges alone. As a parent, you can help by identifying the gap areas where your teen needs help the most, and providing the support and resources that will help close the gaps and succeed over time. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Five Tips on How to Improve Childrens Nonfiction Writing Skills

Five Tips on How to Improve Children’s Nonfiction Writing Skills Whether students grow up to become historians or business people, lawyers or teachers, the ability to write is critically important. While there is great value in being able to craft a story, nonfiction writing is that practical skill that people will need throughout their entire lives, says Co-Founder and CEO Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center. We regularly remind our students at Huntington that one day, they will write memos and business proposals, emails and blog posts. Its important that children hone their craft while they are students, because nonfiction writing is certain to be one of their most essential skills. How can children boost their nonfiction writing skills? Here are five tips: Write with purpose. Whatever children write, it is essential that they remember to first plan the purpose of that writing. In school, that means following directions clearly and creating an outline to ensure the essay writing (or other type of writing) addresses what the writing is supposed to bewhich might be to inform, make an argument, or explain an idea. Always, always, always plan it out. For longer pieces especially, an outline is a must. This keeps children on track during the writing process so that whatever theyre writing flows from start to finish. Whether children are writing an essay or a book report, its always best to have a structure in mind first before beginning to write. Diving in without a plan is likely to result in a finished product that doesnt make its point successfully and has unclear and/or unnecessary sections. Know your audience. There are many types of nonfiction writing: factual, creative, persuasive and narrative, to name a few. Each has a different audience, which should dictate a writers approach and tone. For example, the audience of a college essay is an admissions officer. How should writing to that audience differ from essay writing or writing a speech for an entire student body? Practice adjusting tone of voice. Obviously, an essay describing the process of constructing something should have a different tone than a compare/contrast assignment or personal narrative. But what exactly is tone? Think of it as the style and personality of ones writing, which might be formal, scientific, cheerful or morose. Tone should adjust depending on the goal of the piece and the audience to which it speaks. Follow best practices. There are a few writing strategies that will improve any piece of writing: Organize the writing so that the message flows from introduction to body to conclusion. Draft, edit, revise, review, repeat if needed, and proofread. Polish those sentences to ensure theres plenty of variety in structure and length. Review with fresh eyes to ensure the writing is logical, follows directions and is easy to read. Write in active voice by making sure the subject of a sentence performs the verb (e.g. The girl pushed the swing), as opposed to passive voice, which positions the subject of a sentence as being acted upon (e.g. The swing was pushed by the girl). Avoid fluff words, obscure words, overly ornate words and too many words (less is more). If your child has difficulty with essay writing or the writing process or simply needs reliable tools to improve those all-important writing strategies, contact Huntington. Nonfiction writing is something your child will use for the rest of his or her life. Now is the time to lay a solid foundation for your child to become a stronger, more confident writer. About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader.Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit 2019 Huntington Mark, LLC. Huntington Learning Center, the three-leaf logo, and 1 800 CAN LEARN are registered trademarks of Huntington Mark, LLC. Each franchised Huntington Learning Center is operated under a franchise agreement with Huntington Learning Centers, Inc.